“Two are better than one; because he has better pay for his work. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion; but woe to the alone!! that when he falls, there will be no second to lift him up. Also if two sleep together, they will warm each other; But how will one warm up? If anyone prevails against one, two will resist him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
When we talk about marriage, we talk about unity. Marriage today has been taken as an act of union for love, to another human being, regardless of their gender. However, the word of the Lord teaches us; that God created male and female for this union of three folds.
When woman was created they were told that she was a suitable help for man which means in Hebrew KUJT which meant sewing, thread; So we understand that two people who form a marriage are tied to each other.
Marriage is an occupation or condition that no one can teach us about, until each couple lives it and discovers it as they walk together. For them we do not intend to tell couples how to do this or that, but rather we want to provide a guiding seed to seek the direction of the Holy Spirit in each situation.
These monthly reflections will help you have a guide directed by the Holy Spirit who wants to worship God through your marriage relationship.
We hope that you connect with this ministry for more than just Marriage.